PhD Student

Rochester Institute of Technology

Hi 👋

My name is Dipkamal Bhusal, and I am currently a third-year Computer Science Ph.D. student at Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), working with Dr. Nidhi Rastogi. My research primarily delves into the intersection of explainable machine learning and adversarial machine learning. My works are focused on understanding the limitations of existing explanation methods for deep learning, applying explanation methods to explain and detect adversarial attacks, and designing new faithful and reliable explanation techniques. Prior to my PhD, I obtained my Master’s in Information Engineering at Tribhuvan University (Nepal) in 2021 with a core focus on machine learning for medical diagnosis.

In 2016, after graduating as an electronics and communication engineer, I co-founded Paaila Technology, where our team worked on the development of service robots, chatbots, and emergency ventilators. Throughout my tenure, I played multifaceted roles as a developer, project manager, and director. I frequently represented my company in exhibitions and events for talk shows and presentations, both domestically and internationally. You can read more about Paaila Technology here. Before purusing my PhD, I was also involved as a lecturer of computer science at IIMS College Kathmandu from 2020 to 2021. I taught two undergraduate courses: Introduction to Python Programming and Machine Learning to first and third year students.